El aprendizaje de muchas cosas, no da el entendimiento.
- Heráclito de Éfeso.
sábado, 3 de febrero de 2007
Bringing back some of the old music quality

Back in the days of the 70´s, music was appreciated for its instruments and the quality sound that they used to project. During 2000 to 2003, we were going through a period of time when it was all about computer effects. The sound wasn’t real, it wasn’t made by the hands of the musicians and it was impossible to identify with it. The music was just not worth listening to it. Luckily thanks to our old school legends, music has been improving time after time.
When there were no computers and no machines to create anything musical, artists were forced to use their skills and knowledge, to make the perfect sound. They cherish every single instrument, from the different kinds of pianos to a simple acoustic guitar. The quality of the sound was a priority and they practiced to make sure that the people, who were listening to their music, felt every single note of their work. They also wanted to take you on the journey of what they were personally living through, so the music would actually place you in their time and space.
Some examples of excellent musicians of this music were, The Beatles, according to the Rolling Stone magazine, they changed the world overnight, their music was so authentic that after 40 years they are still the influence of musicians today. Also, one of the most rated article of the Rolling Stone Magazine says that Hendrix is known as the king of the guitar, as somebody who can played the guitar without even touching it.
These artists songs took our minds far away from reality, and when you heard the instruments that they played, you had to listen to the song until it was finished.
Now, let’s talk about the music during 2000 to 2003. It’s not that I don’t like them or think they’re trash. No way. Music is music after all. But, we have to admit that through this period it was lacking many important factors that music used to have.
Most of the music was coming from computer effects. If you didn’t have a band and you wanted to make a song, you could automatically get the notes of the guitar and the drums at the same time from the computer while you sang. It’s awesome how technology has advanced, but what is not awesome was giving our listeners, the sound of instruments that were not played by us. Artists didn’t need to have a good voice, because if their vocals tones were weak, the computer will arranged them. As long as you looked pretty, belong to a boy band and could sing some corny things you were in. Not fair and totally un-cool.
Luckily music has evolved through time, and yes we need new effects and other stuff, but that doesn’t mean that we should let a machine do all the work for us.
For music fans like myself, this has been a concern. And with the help of the demanding audiences, the attitude towards music has been changing really fast. The good news is that now people are trying to rescue some of the old school.
Musicians are trying little by little, again to make quality music, to actually be prepared vocally and instrumentally and not just choreographically.
If today, you want to be an artist, your pretty looks should not help you make it through. You should have to be able to do everything on stage, and prove yourself constantly. People are starting to care about this again and it’s good, because not only are we evolving with the musical effects of the moment but we are bringing back the quality that was once starting to be lost.
So, keep on supporting the quality of music. And if you are going to spend 20 dollars on some artist make sure that he or she gives you his or her soul in every single tune, so you can be transported into a journey of a life time.
Let’s not let the magical moments die.
When there were no computers and no machines to create anything musical, artists were forced to use their skills and knowledge, to make the perfect sound. They cherish every single instrument, from the different kinds of pianos to a simple acoustic guitar. The quality of the sound was a priority and they practiced to make sure that the people, who were listening to their music, felt every single note of their work. They also wanted to take you on the journey of what they were personally living through, so the music would actually place you in their time and space.
Some examples of excellent musicians of this music were, The Beatles, according to the Rolling Stone magazine, they changed the world overnight, their music was so authentic that after 40 years they are still the influence of musicians today. Also, one of the most rated article of the Rolling Stone Magazine says that Hendrix is known as the king of the guitar, as somebody who can played the guitar without even touching it.
These artists songs took our minds far away from reality, and when you heard the instruments that they played, you had to listen to the song until it was finished.
Now, let’s talk about the music during 2000 to 2003. It’s not that I don’t like them or think they’re trash. No way. Music is music after all. But, we have to admit that through this period it was lacking many important factors that music used to have.
Most of the music was coming from computer effects. If you didn’t have a band and you wanted to make a song, you could automatically get the notes of the guitar and the drums at the same time from the computer while you sang. It’s awesome how technology has advanced, but what is not awesome was giving our listeners, the sound of instruments that were not played by us. Artists didn’t need to have a good voice, because if their vocals tones were weak, the computer will arranged them. As long as you looked pretty, belong to a boy band and could sing some corny things you were in. Not fair and totally un-cool.
Luckily music has evolved through time, and yes we need new effects and other stuff, but that doesn’t mean that we should let a machine do all the work for us.
For music fans like myself, this has been a concern. And with the help of the demanding audiences, the attitude towards music has been changing really fast. The good news is that now people are trying to rescue some of the old school.
Musicians are trying little by little, again to make quality music, to actually be prepared vocally and instrumentally and not just choreographically.
If today, you want to be an artist, your pretty looks should not help you make it through. You should have to be able to do everything on stage, and prove yourself constantly. People are starting to care about this again and it’s good, because not only are we evolving with the musical effects of the moment but we are bringing back the quality that was once starting to be lost.
So, keep on supporting the quality of music. And if you are going to spend 20 dollars on some artist make sure that he or she gives you his or her soul in every single tune, so you can be transported into a journey of a life time.
Let’s not let the magical moments die.
miércoles, 31 de enero de 2007
When you wake up from a bad dream, think positively, find a positive metaphor for the dream and interpret for the better, because dreams follow their interpretation.
-Third-century Rabbi Yo´Channan
-Third-century Rabbi Yo´Channan
PNC. Beneficios para ellos o para el pais.

El pasado miércoles 24, el Director de la Policía Nacional Civil, Edwin Sperisen; hizo una visita a los estudiantes de Ciencias Políticas, Relaciones Internacionales y Periodismo de la Universidad Marroquín. El motivo de su visita, era contar los logros que ha realizado en la PNC a lo largo de su periodo.
En una presentación de "Power Point", habló de todos los beneficios que ha incrementado tanto a los policías como a las jefaturas. Mostró con fotos los cambios que había hecho, en los carros, las motos, los uniformes, las botas, entre otros. Sin embargo lo que más resaltó fue toda la tecnología que han implementado gracias a donaciones del extranjero. Cosa queno juzgo, porque si ha servido para un mejor manejo de la ciudad, es mas, que bueno que otros países se dan cuenta de la delincuencia en que vivimos, y que nos quieran ayudar. En éste caso sí felicito a Sperisen por aceptar sin tantos cuentos la ayuda. Mi preocupación es la siguiente, de que me sirve saber cuantos aparatos electrónicos surgieron en su periodo como director, si veo que ninguno de estos lo pone en practica, y no estoy hablando de hechos falsos, al contrario estoy hablando del crimen organizado, como las maras, que cada día son mas fuertes; de los estafadores, y no solo de bancos, sino de fondos de muchas instituciones importantes. No me cabe en la cabeza, después de haber visto todos los avances mostrados por el en fotografías, como hasta la fecha o que de casualidad siempre logran huir sin rastro alguno los criminales. Entonces me pregunto yo, que si en vez de estar estrenando, luciendo y diciendo de los beneficios nuevos, no seria mejor ponerlos en práctica o usar los antiguos métodos, pero realmente hacer algo.
Ahora, también dijo que cuentan con un personal de gente entre los cuales se encuentran psicólogos, que sirven para atender las necesidades de los policías. Me parece que si los policías tienen problemas personales o si poseen uniformes nuevos o no, a mí como ciudadana que está al tanto de la situación critica en la que vivo, me alegra por ellos, pero no me interesa. Creo que lo temas de relevancia para hablar, hubieran sido acerca de futuras estrategias para combatir la violencia en nuestro país.
Y para no hacerles el cuento mas largo, de estos temas de mejoramiento para los oficiales se trató toda su conferencia. Aparte de esto, cuando se cedió la palabra a los estudiantes para aclarar sus dudas acerca de cualquier cosa referente a la PNC, él se mantuvo en un estado defensivo, en vez de informar a los jóvenes, los atacó.
En resumidas cuentas, me pareció una perdida de tiempo total. El siendo una personalidad importante y teniendo la responsabilidad que tiene, se hubiera preparado o hubiera hecho una lista en su cabeza y en su presentación, de los temas de verdadera relevancia.
Sperisen, dijó que su visión es “ser una institución, profesional, honesta, moderna y respetuosa al servicio de todos. Y que su misión era “proteger la vida y los bienes de todos, el ejercicio de su derechos y obligaciones por medio de la prevención, investigación y el combate del delito para contribuir a crear un ambiente de paz y armonía”.
Mi pregunta es ¿Algún día veremos o se cumplirán estas palabras en Guatemala, o seguiremos simplemente escuchando de cómo con los años la PNC va teniendo mas beneficios?
En una presentación de "Power Point", habló de todos los beneficios que ha incrementado tanto a los policías como a las jefaturas. Mostró con fotos los cambios que había hecho, en los carros, las motos, los uniformes, las botas, entre otros. Sin embargo lo que más resaltó fue toda la tecnología que han implementado gracias a donaciones del extranjero. Cosa queno juzgo, porque si ha servido para un mejor manejo de la ciudad, es mas, que bueno que otros países se dan cuenta de la delincuencia en que vivimos, y que nos quieran ayudar. En éste caso sí felicito a Sperisen por aceptar sin tantos cuentos la ayuda. Mi preocupación es la siguiente, de que me sirve saber cuantos aparatos electrónicos surgieron en su periodo como director, si veo que ninguno de estos lo pone en practica, y no estoy hablando de hechos falsos, al contrario estoy hablando del crimen organizado, como las maras, que cada día son mas fuertes; de los estafadores, y no solo de bancos, sino de fondos de muchas instituciones importantes. No me cabe en la cabeza, después de haber visto todos los avances mostrados por el en fotografías, como hasta la fecha o que de casualidad siempre logran huir sin rastro alguno los criminales. Entonces me pregunto yo, que si en vez de estar estrenando, luciendo y diciendo de los beneficios nuevos, no seria mejor ponerlos en práctica o usar los antiguos métodos, pero realmente hacer algo.
Ahora, también dijo que cuentan con un personal de gente entre los cuales se encuentran psicólogos, que sirven para atender las necesidades de los policías. Me parece que si los policías tienen problemas personales o si poseen uniformes nuevos o no, a mí como ciudadana que está al tanto de la situación critica en la que vivo, me alegra por ellos, pero no me interesa. Creo que lo temas de relevancia para hablar, hubieran sido acerca de futuras estrategias para combatir la violencia en nuestro país.
Y para no hacerles el cuento mas largo, de estos temas de mejoramiento para los oficiales se trató toda su conferencia. Aparte de esto, cuando se cedió la palabra a los estudiantes para aclarar sus dudas acerca de cualquier cosa referente a la PNC, él se mantuvo en un estado defensivo, en vez de informar a los jóvenes, los atacó.
En resumidas cuentas, me pareció una perdida de tiempo total. El siendo una personalidad importante y teniendo la responsabilidad que tiene, se hubiera preparado o hubiera hecho una lista en su cabeza y en su presentación, de los temas de verdadera relevancia.
Sperisen, dijó que su visión es “ser una institución, profesional, honesta, moderna y respetuosa al servicio de todos. Y que su misión era “proteger la vida y los bienes de todos, el ejercicio de su derechos y obligaciones por medio de la prevención, investigación y el combate del delito para contribuir a crear un ambiente de paz y armonía”.
Mi pregunta es ¿Algún día veremos o se cumplirán estas palabras en Guatemala, o seguiremos simplemente escuchando de cómo con los años la PNC va teniendo mas beneficios?
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